ROOM 1214​​​
59e59 Theaters, New York
By Michelle Kholos Brooks
Directed by Sarah Norris
Inspired by interviews with history teacher Ivy Schamis who experienced the 2018 tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, this stirring memory play, follows as she returns to the school to teach one final lesson, asking what if you could rewrite history?
She reunites with her students as they were – playful, funny, and full of life and potential – real kids with bright futures. Equal part memorial and essential history, Room 1214 overflows with truths both uncomfortable and necessary, offering a moving reminder that the best way to honor the past is to learn from it.
World Premiere, Off-Broadway: tickets
November 15th-December 8th
New York
On Being Jewish Now
Streicker Center
Temple Emanu-el, New York
November 18th
read and celebrate this anthology
with fellow contributors including
Zibby Owens
Annual Lung Update
University of Alabama Birmingham
November 1
Birmingham, Alabama
Earlier. org
Friends for Earlier Breast Cancer Testing
October 16,2024
Greensboro, North Carolina
Beyond Fest
American Cinematheque, Aero Theater
special screening and q & a
with me and director Bob Odenkirk
Melvin Goes to Dinner
October 1st
Santa Monica, CA
World Conference 2024,International
Association of the Study of Lung Cancer
I'm honored and excited to be moderating
two closing plenaries titled:
Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Advancing Patient Advocacy Worldwide
Enhancing the Patient Physician Partnership
September 7th- 10th
San Diego, CA
Zibby Bookstore
August 23rd
Santa Monica, CA
in conversation with Moon Zappa
about her new memoir
Last year our arts education initiative
worked with children at the Palorinya Resettlement Camp, this year we're working
with young migrants in NYC
in conjunction with the WHO
Culminating in a performance at
The 52nd Street Project
July 7th- 15th
American Society of Clinical Oncology
I've been invited to attend as
a patient advocate, come
find me at the conference!
May 31st- June 4th
Chicago, ILL
comedy and storytelling w/
Iris Bahr and Ophira Eisenberg
May 27th
New York City
Jewish Federation of Santa Barbara GALA
A special performance of
SHPILKES directed by Gala honoree Jonathan Foxfor this year's Gala
May 2nd
Santa Barbara, CA
Strong Words
homegrown storytelling in LA
April 27th, 7:30pm
Los Angeles (eastside)
Living with Cancer
KRAS Kickers Hope Filled Summit
March 15-16
Charlotte, North Carolina
Rancho Mirage Writer's Series
March 14th
Rancho Mirage Library, CA
I'll be in conversation with Steven Rowley
In Her Words,Barbara Ehrenreich
February 20th
New York City
Symphony Space
I'm producing this event along with
the Economic Hardship Reporting Project
to celebrate the work and legacy of Barbara
Hosted by Maria Hinojosa, with Caroline Aaron, Jessica
Hecht, Danny Burstein, Nancy Giles, and Alissa Quart
Madwomen Unplugged
January 27-28th
New York City
reading of Sandra Tsing Loh's
Madwomen of the West
Actor's Temple, Off-Bway
Zibby Media's author event
Jan 20th
New York City
The Whidbey Hotel
I'll be leading a comedy punch-up workshop
and speaking on a panel
En Garde Arts Gala
December 11th
Brooklyn, New York
I'll host this year's
gala honoring Jessica Hecht
26 Bridge, Brooklyn
"Going for Broke"
November 8th, 6PM EST
virtual book launch with Alyssa Quart &
Economic Hardship Reporting Project
Haymarket's livestream event series
Palorinya Refugee Settlement
Moyo, Uganda
check out this extraordinary
project here, founded by Broadway star
Jessica Hecht with support
from IsraAid
September 18-October 2nd
IASLC World Conference 2023
I'm super honored to be receiving the
Patient Advocate Award
September 6-12th
Near Death Comedy Show
Chelsea Music Hall
Iris Bahr and Friends
New York, New York
August 3rd
Florida Lung Health Coalition
June 3rd
Tampa, Florida
Kick Off Symposium
El Encanto Hotel
Literary Luncheon
Santa Barbara, CA
May 2nd
Thurber Prize for American Humor Writing
Southern Theater
Columbus, Ohio
April 28th, 7pm
writing workshop on Saturday
Alissa Quart, book event
BootStrapped,Liberating Ourselves
from the American Dream
April 17th
Los Angeles, CA
I'll be moderating
hosted by Capitol and Main
Voices of the City
story salon
Autry Museum, Los Angeles
March 9th, 7:30pm
tkts: purchase here
Akoya Biosciences
Global Sales Meeting
Feb. 2nd
Los Angeles, CA

Memphis, TN
Jewish Book Council Event
Memphis Jewish Community Center
January 12th, 2023
Brisbane, Australia
Multi-Omics 2022
December 11-13th
gala dinner speaker
Rome, Italy
Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe
November 26-29th
Skokie, Illinois
Jewish Book Council Event
Temple Beth Israel
November 20th, 2022
Ann Arbor,Michigan
Jewish Book Council Event
Jewish Community Center
November 10th, 2022
Lung Cancer Foundation of America
November 5th, 2022
with Bravo Top Chef Amar Santana
Long Beach, CA
Boca Raton, Florida
Jewish Book Council event
Levis JCC Sandler Center
October 25, 3pm
Literary Afternoon
Bombeck Writers' Workshop
October 20-22nd
in person, workshops and readings
Brooklyn Book Fest
Niagra Bar, NYC
October 730pm
Lung Cancer Research Foundation Gala
honoring Dr. Brendan Stiles
September 28th, 7pm
Manhattan Club, NYC
Museum of Southern Jewish Experience
June 26th, 3-4:30pm
New Orleans, LA
Rancho Mirage Library
June 13th, 2pm-3pm
Rancho Mirage, CA
first 200 rsvps will recieve free copies
Stories on Stage: literary series
Sacramento, CA
Strong Words
storytelling series
May 21, 730pm
Atwater Village, CA
Red Ink Literary Series
Books are Magic
hosted by Michele Filgate with Samantha Hunt and others
May 19th, 7pm, PT
Zibby Owen's Book Club
May 17th
230pm EST
Queens Library
author talk
May 5th, 4pm EST
Past events: 2022
Barshop Jewish Community Center
February 15th, 2022
San Antonio, Texas
virtual, open to the public
Paperback book launch
with the Creative Coalition
Hosted by actor Lisa Edelstein
March 8th, 8pm EST
House of Speakeasy
I'll host the night of stories
March 15th, 7pm EST
Tampa Bay Jewish Book Festival
March 25th, 7pm, EST
Har Zion Synagogue, PA
April 4th, 1130am, EST
Merrick Library
April 5th, 7pm
in person
Merrick, Long Island
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2022
April 23rd
Los Angeles, CA
in person!
Appel Fellows Program
Clairmont College
July 19th -23rd
Guest Lecture Series: Writing for Social Change
Jean Hanff Korelitz's Pop Up Book Group
August 3rd, 430PM PDT: virtual
tickets: here
Happy Women's Dinner
(private event)
dinner and booktalk
August 22nd
Tarzana, CA
Bryant Park Dog Days of Summer Reading Series
Sponsored by The New York Public Library
August 25th, 12:30pm
Bryant Park, NY
Barnes and Noble The Grobe
September 2nd, 7pm
conversation with Erika Schickel
author of The Big Hurt
Los Angeles,CA
Happy Women's Brunch series
September 26th
Mill Valley, CA
Queerwise Book Club
September 29th
Palm Springs, CA
(private event)
New Beginnings Gala
Benefit to support this wonderful non-profit
September 30th
Santa Barbara, CA
details to come
Lung Cancer Foundation of America
October 2nd
I'll be hosting our combo virtual/live Gala
with chef Amar Santana at his restaurant in Laguna
details to come
Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque
October 21st
details to come
Pages Book Store
Oct. 17th, 3pm
Manhattan Beach, CA
in person with Erika Schickel
Charleston Post and Courier author luncheon
October 29th
Charleston, South Carolina
Katz JCC
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
November 8th
details to come
Jewish Book Fest St. Louis
Nov. 19th
Details to come
Saint Louis, MO
Miami Book Fair
November 20th
details to come
Miami, Florida
Jewish Book Festival Atlanta
November 21st
Details to come
Atlanta, Georgia
Carlsbad Library
Carlsbad, CA
Adventures by the Book series
December 4th, 2-4pm
Inside the Authors's Studio
December 4th, 6pm
San Diego
sponsored byAdventures By the Book
Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival
Naples, Florida
December 17th
details to come
2022 calendar
is a work in progress
here's to hoping that the Charlston
Press and Courier spring author luncheon will be rescheduled
and we're looking at dates at Thurber House in Ohio
Barshop Jewish Community Center
February 15th, 2022
San Antonio, Texas
details to come, virtual for now
Bombeck Writers' Workshop
March 24th
details to come, in person event
Tampa JCC
March 25th, 2022
Tampa, Florida
details to come, in person event
Har Zion Synagogue
April 4th, 2022
Merion Station, PA
details to come, in person event
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2022
April 24-25th, in person event
Los Angeles, CA
Spring 2021 launch events:
Book Launch East Coast with Marisa Tomei
readings by Jessica Hecht, Charlayne Woodard, and Julia Sweeney
March 2, 2021, 7pm, EST
Symphony Space
West Coast Launch with Andie MacDowell
March 7th, 6pm Pacific
Dynasty Typewriter and Skylight Books
Laraine Newman hosts
March 9th, 730pm, est
Words of Maplewood Bookstore
Dave Barry hosts
March 11th, 8pmEST
Books&Books and The Marcus Family JCC in Atlanta
Judy Gold hosts
Reading with Robin
March 15th 4pm PST
Robin Homonoff's FB live author series
Faith Salie hosts
March 22nd, 4pm Pacific
Books YAYA
and cosponsors Chappaqua and Scarsdale Libraries
Susan Orlean hosts
March 29th, 7:30pm Pacific
Seattle Town Hall and Third Place Books
Cynthia Sweeney hosts
April 6th, 5pm
Writer's Bloc LA
Women's Media Group
April 13th , 6pm
with Sandra Tsing Loh
"The Only Home We've Ever Known"
with authors Séverine Autesserre, Sanjena Sathian
Michelle Nijhuis
April 20th, 7pm EST
Annapolis Book Fest
April 25th, 4pm EST
Panel with Helaine Olen, Washington Post
Appel Fellows Program
Clairmont College, July 19th -23rd
Guest Lecture Series: Writing for Social Change
Jean Hanff's Pop Up Book Group
August 3rd, 430PMM PDT
tickets: here
Bombeck Writers Conference
March 24- 26th, 2022
Dayton Ohio
The Tiny Victories Podcast
my cohost Laura House and I air a new
epsiode every Monday, you can listen wherever you get your
podcasts, but our home is the Maximum Fun Podcast Network
Nov. 20th
hosted by Sandra Tsing Loh
Arden Myrin and I join Sandra!
Sponsored by the Southern Cal. News Group
Nov. 15th, 4:00pm east coast time
Reading with Robin
Robin Homonoff hosts a pre-pub bonanza
with 36 authors
Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
October 30th
I gave a keynote and taught a
comedy writing punch up class,
we were supposed to be on campus
at the U of Dayton, but we did it online and it was amazing!
Maine Media College
October 5th-9th (info here)
every year I work with folks on a dual track
of writing and performing, culminating in a
live performance, this year live online:
guest teachers include Moth storytellers Jenny Allen
Brian Kett and Brian Finklestein
Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop and Festival
University of Dayton, Ohio
Oct. 29th-31st (info here)
I'll be keynoting and teaching a humor punchup
workshop, friends Wendy Liebman and Mike Reiss
along with other great folks are speaking and teaching
Jewish Women's Theater
Comedy in the time of Covid
Cindy Chupack and I in conversation
Next Tribe
August 29-30th
Memoir Writing Retreat
spend the weekend writing with my tribe
this one's sold out, but join us next time!
February 8th, LA
Facing Homelessness
Benefit for Jewish Free Loans,
Jewish Federation Los Angeles
I'll be MCing this event
Luxe Hotel
December 8, Los Angeles
Strong Words
reading salon
November 19th, Brooklyn, NY
Uncommon Voices series
If You Lived with Me You'd Be Home by No
based on the op-ed in the
Los Angeles Times
November 12th, New York City
En Garde Arts Gala
I'll be MCing, info TBD
October 30th, Vroman's Bookstore
interviewing author Meghan Daum
October 25-26th, Brooklyn
The Moth NightFall Festival
Brooklyn, New York
info and tickets
October 10, New York City
Fall Comedy Series
reading along with author Lisa Birnbach
Uptown Library Society
Ju​ne 21th, Seattle
Moore Theater
Chelsea Handler, Sit Down Comedy Tour
May 15th, 2019, New York City:
Carolines on B'way
with Phoebe Robinson
benefit for Women in Media
April 8th,2019, Michigan:
Oakland University
Key note for Opening Celebration
for the Cis Maisel Center for
Judaic Studies and Community Engagement
March 12, 2019, Los Angeles: Live Talks LA
interview with Gretchen Rubin
New Roads School, Santa Monica
March 9th,2019, Los Angeles:
Women Comedians of a Certain Age
Beyond Baroque
December, Los Angeles:
Sit Spin
Holiday Show! Comedy Central Theater
October 3rd, New York City: Next Tribe
event with Katleen Kennedy Townsend, Veronica Chambers, Sheila Weller,
and Judy Collins
October 11th, 7pm: New York City: New York Society Library
"Uptown Library Series"
reading with Henry Alford
October 8-12th, 2018, Maine Media Workshops, Rockport Maine
I'm teaching a one week writing and storytelling intensive
August 31st, Mission Viejo, CA: Library Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
keynote,author talk
June 2nd: two events in the Southlands of CA
2pm:Carlsbad Library,CA,
author talk
June 2nd, 1018, 6pm: Milton's Jewish Deli, Del Mar, CA
Sponsored by Adventures by the Book
May 31th, 2018:New York, New York
Merkin Concert Hall
In Your Face New York literary series
May 16th, Long Island, New York
UJA, keynote
Annual Spring Event
May 4th, 2018, Los Angeles
Writers Bloc, with Sandra Tsing Loh and Nina Collinz
May 3rd, 2018 6:30pm: Scottsdale, AZ
Valley of the Sun JCC, author talk
Federation Women's Philanthropy & NowGen (Young Adult) Women
April 30th, 2018: Brooklyn, NY
Egg Restaurant: Table of Contents series
with Meghan Daum and Jack Livings
April 29th, 2018: Long Island, New York
Long Island Literary Fest
April 28, 2018: Annapolis Book Fair
Details: TDB, author talk, signing
April 26th, 2018, : Rancho Mirage, CA
Luncheon and author talk, paperback launch
sponsored by the Rancho Mirage Writers Fest
April 17th, 2018: Los Angeles, CA
Words and Ideas at the Skirball Center
Novelist Jade Change and I discuss writing Chinese/Jewish immigrant stories
April 7th: Orange County, CA
Literary Orange
Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Spa
I'll be moderating a panel on humor
March 10, 2018: Laguna Beach, CA
American Assocation of University Women Luncheon
March 2, 2018: Miami: TEDX , Coconut Grove
Speaker, time TBD
February 14th, 2018, 1pm: Naples, FL
Jewish Federation of Collier County, author talk
November18, 2017: 3pm panel, Miami, FL
Miami Book Fair at Miama Dade College, author panel
with Jenny Allen and Steve Rushin
November 15th 7:30pm: Dunwoody, GA
Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, author talk
November 14th 7pm: Jacksonville, FL
Jewish Community Alliance, author talk
November 13th 7pm: Memphis, TN
Memphis Jewish Community Center, author talk
November 9th 11:00am: Omaha, NE
Jewish Federation of Omaha, author talk
November 4th 9:30-1pm: Placentia, CA
Soroptimists of La Habra/Brea brunch, author talk
November 1st, 10am: Livingston, NJ
MetroWest JCC
Women of Valor luncheon, keynote speaker
October 29th 4pm: Maitland, FL
Greater Orlando Jewish Community Center, closing keynote
October 20th, 730pm: Pasadena, CA
Vroman's Bookstore, interviewing
New York Times contributing writer Carina Chocano
October 18th 7pm: Penn Valley, PA
Har Zion Temple, author talk
October 5th: San Francisco, CA
As You Sow: for people and the planet
25th Anniversary Bash, emcee
September 8th: Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Spoken Interludes Literary Series at Riverview Restaurant
with Jane Green and Will Schwalbe
6pm dinner 7:30pm reading with Q & A 8:30pm book signing
Previous events:
January 28 & 29 : Rancho Mirage, California
Rancho Mirage Writers Festival, keynote and panels
February 10 : Mesa, Arizona
Mesa Arts Center I See You Made An Effort, solo show.
February 17 & 18 : Springfield, Massachusetts
City Stage I See You Made An Effort, solo show.
February 21 - March 12 : Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines Performing Arts Center I See You Made An Effort, solo show.
April 13 7:30 pm : Los Angeles, California
Skylight Bookstore, Gumbo Party Book Lunch
with Pulitzer Prize winning food critic Jonathon Gold
April 21 : San Francisco area, Sausalito, California
Book Passage, author talk and signing.
April 20, 7:00 pm : Petaluma, California
Copperfield Books, author talk and signing.
April 23 12:30-130pm : Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Times Book Fest panel with Jillian Lauren, Dani Shapiro, Joshua Mohr
April 24, 7:00 pm : New York, New York
Barnes and Noble Upper West Side, 82nd st. author talk and signing with Jessica Hecht,Tonya Pinkins
April 26, 6:30 pm : Washington, DC
Politics and Prose, 14th and V location
Busboys and Poets, author talk and signing with Barbara Ehrenreich.
April 27, 7:30 pm : Miami Beach, Florida
Miami Beach JCC author talk and signing.
April 29-30th: Little Rock, Arkansas
Arkansas Literary Fest, author talk and signing TBD
May 1, 6:00 pm : Fairhope, Alabama
Page and Palette, author talk and signing.
May 3, 11:30 am : Chicago, Illinois
Standard Club, luncheon.
May 3, 7:00 pm : Chicago, Illinois
Anderson's Bookshop, author talk and signing with Julia Sweeney.
May 4, : Columbus, Ohio
Thurber House, memoir workshop, daytime.
May 5, 7:30 pm : Columbus, Ohio
Thurber House, author talk and signing.
May 8, 10:00 am : Greenwich, Connecticut
JCC author talk and signing.
May 8, 7:30 pm : Maplewood, New Jersey
Words Maplewood author talk and signing.
May 10, 7:00 pm : New York, New York
Joe's Pub, House Of Speakeasy Literary Series.
May 11, 7:30pm : Seattle, Washington
Town Hall, RESCHEDULE in the works!
May 22, 7pm: Boulder, Colorado
Boulder Theater, Conversation with Richard Dawkins
May 22, noon: Los Angeles, CA
Google campus, Google Talk
May 26, 7pm: West Hollywood, CA
WeHo Library, with Meredith Maran and Lisa Napoli
June 2-4 : Toronto, Canada
Imagine No Religion Conference, featured speaker.
June 8, 9, 10,11 : Charleston, South Carolina
American Humanist Association's 76th Annual Conference
June 12: Brooklyn, New York
The Bell House, Ask Me Another, NPR
June 18, 4-6:00 pm: Los Angeles
Angel's Flight Literary Series, with Heather Havirlesky
July 19th 7pm: Manhattan Beach, CA
Pages Bookstore reading and conversation with Jade Chang
August 14th: Martha's Vineyard, Mass.
Nude bathing on the standby line: Where funny begins and ends,
panel with Adam Mansbach